Dec 3rd 2012, 15:09 by M.C.K. | WASHINGTON
THOSE who criticise central banks for having acted with
insufficient vigour generally argue that they have failed to talk a good
game. Paul Krugman and Michael Woodford are among the best-known advocates of this view. The underlying theory is that the expectation of faster consumer price inflation causes
prices to rise more rapidly as people attempt to offset the anticipated
erosion of their purchasing power by spending more on goods and
services. According to this model, central banks theoretically have the
power to lower real borrowing costs and real debt burdens (and real
wages) even when nominal interest rates have hit 0%, simply by talking
The existence of this Jedi mind trick might be desirable given the economy’s weakness. However, it is possible that simply asserting a tolerance for faster inflation over a given period of time or, more radically, altering the inflation target, might actually be counterproductive if the Fed does not—or cannot—generate sufficient increases in wages and prices. If people's expectations of inflation overshoot what they actually end up enduring, the consequence could be a nasty recession.
Until the rich world was hit by “stagflation” in
the 1970s, there had been a remarkably stable relationship between the
level of joblessness and the speed of price increases. While many
economists were befuddled by the apparent breakdown of the Phillips curve,
the “rational expectations” school explained that the problem could be
attributed to the fact that people are not stupid. Sudden alterations to
millions of contracts can have large effects on economic activity, so
faster inflation can stimulate real activity when it is unexpected.
This is because it lowers real debt burdens and increases the nominal
value of real assets. There is also some evidence to suggest that, when
unemployment is high, businesses will respond to rumours of accelerating
inflation by trying to hire relatively cheap workers before their
competitors. Similarly, there is evidence that firms operating at full
capacity tend to fire workers if they expect prices to fall. But once
people come to expect rapid price increases they try to protect
themselves by demanding higher wages, higher interest rates, higher
commodity prices, and higher risk premiums. Eventually, the unemployment
rate will be what it will be, irrespective of the inflation rate.
“eventually” is reached, however, there can be painful periods when
expectations clash with reality. In the late 1970s, many believed that
inflation would continue to get faster and faster. The cycle was not
broken until Paul Volcker’s Fed brutally crushed the economy, which
forced a slowdown in inflation and also a decline in its volatility. The
recession was so severe in part because many households and businesses
had assumed that the prevailing rate of price increases would persist.
They were stuck with debts they could not repay and employees they could
not afford.
People’s expectations did eventually change, which
in turn contributed to a boom in asset prices and the end of
“stagflation”. (Ironically, real business investment
did not grow any faster in the 1980s than it did in the 1970s, despite
the massive decline in the cost of capital. Instead, the cheaper funding
was used for acquisitions, equity buybacks, and takeovers,
as well as real estate speculation in certain areas.) This shift can be
attributed mostly to people’s experience of actual inflation, which had
to have been determined by something other than those very
expectations. At least in the 1980s, the Jedi mind trick was
insufficient. Brute force was required. Less than what had been
predicted by the standard Phillips curve models of the time; the
slowdown in inflation was large relative to the magnitude of the
recession. The pupils did learn. But it took a nasty rap on the knuckles
to get their attention.
Those arguing that higher expectations
of faster inflation are desirable therefore have a large burden of
proof. To repeat, the question is not about whether faster inflation
itself is desirable, but whether or not there might be unintended
consequences of a sudden change in people’s beliefs about future price
increases. Suppose that starting tomorrow, the Federal Reserve says that
it will be okay with price increases at an annualised pace of around 5%
instead of around 2%, either permanently or just for a few years. What
might happen?
It is safe to say that the financial markets would
react first. (Most workers would find it very difficult to renegotiate
their wage contracts as long as the jobless rate remains so high. If
businesses went on a hiring spree, which would take time, the bargaining
power of labour would improve.) Investors would probably sell bonds and
stocks and use the proceeds to buy commodities and land—the most
obviously profitable strategy when you expect inflation to accelerate.
This would immediately raise costs for businesses and households.
Moreover, investors might reasonably conclude that any central bank that
can adjust its inflation target once, even "temporarily," will do so
again in the future. Investors cannot really account for this risk, so
they will demand a higher real discount rate on all financial assets in
compensation for this uncertainty. Households that cannot easily adjust
their portfolios will suffer a nasty hit to their wealth.
It is
worth noting that these developments could encourage commodity producers
to expand their production, which, over time, would lower prices. Also,
the increase in real interest rates would probably reduce industrial
demand for commodities. It is difficult to say how these effects would
net out, especially if there were uncertainty on the central bank's
ability or commitment to deliver faster inflation. Similarly, higher
land prices could redound to higher home values, which might offset
losses on financial assets. Then again, the price of farmland continues
to soar even as home prices remain far below peak.
It is difficult
to say what would happen to the exchange vaue of the dollar in these
circumstances, although a decline relative to America's trading partners
would be bullish for the economy. Where would the commodity producers
park their earnings? They could conceivably buy up all the stocks and
bonds sold to purchase the commodities in the first place, in which case
only the ownership of the assets has changed. Foreigners might even
find dollar assets relatively attractive if real yields rise
sufficiently, or they could be the ones doing the selling, in which case
the dollar would fall. How do expectations of faster inflation in
America affect the performance of other economies? (Thinking through
this exercise is a good example of why it is so hard to consistently
make money in markets without insider trading.)
Households and
businesses might save relatively less and spend relatively more, which
would lead to price increases, as theory suggests. But they might not.
It will depend in large part on how they react to the changes in nominal
interest rates. Plus, it is not obvious how the difference between 2%
and 5% inflation should affect spending and saving. It is one
thing to conclude that faster inflation means “spend more now!”.
Figuring out the actual quantities is far harder. Rational people might
not bother, which could have all sorts of unpredictable effects.
Politicians might freak out in response to the government's higher
interest expenses. These uncertainties could make investors even more
nervous and further increase risk premiums.
Putting all of this
together, it is not clear that it would be beneficial for central banks
to express tolerance for faster inflation unless they can generate price
increases of the proper speed and magnitude. Otherwise they might end
up undermining their efforts by raising the real cost of capital. While
by no means certain, this seems like enough of a possibility that
central bankers should be very cautious about playing too much with the
"expectations channel". The point is not that faster inflation itself is
necessarily bad. After all, if people take home more money they will be
able to repay their debts and fulfill their nominal savings objectives,
which ought to cause a rebound in economic activity (and in prices).
But there are multiple routes to achieve this desired end result.
Something more direct would probably be more effective and less risky.
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