Posted by Zachary A. Goldfarb on November 28, 2012 at 5:27 pm
If you look at President Obama’s biography and policies, you see one unifying theme more than any other: Obama wants to reduce income inequality.
His policies seem designed to achieve other objectives. The 2009
stimulus sought to end the recession. The 2010 Affordable Care Act
strove to expand health-care coverage as widely as possible. And in the
upcoming tax policy debate, Obama is seeking to shrink the nation’s
deficits over time. But in each case, Obama is also trying to reverse
three decades of growing income disparity in the United States.
Here’s the story of Obama’s approach to inequality – in eight charts.
Obama came of age when something dramatic was changing in the U.S.
economy. During his grandparents’ generation – a period for which he has
expressed deep nostalgia – incomes at all levels of the economy grew at
roughly the same pace. But around the time Obama moved to Chicago to
start his adult life, the prospects of the top earners and most
Americans had started to wildly diverge. Here’s a chart documenting the
trend from Harvard professor Lawrence Katz.
As a result, top earners captured much of the country’s prosperity.
In the past decade— including through the first three years of Obama’s
term— people in the middle class saw their incomes decline, after
adjusting for inflation.
Obama has tried to tackle inequality through short-term and long-term
policies. The first major piece of inequality legislation was the 2009
stimulus. This chart from the Tax Policy Center shows that the benefits
of the legislation were directed disproportionately to lower and middle
income earners.
The Affordable Care Act also is a major piece of anti-inequality
legislation. The Tax Policy Center estimates that the top 1 percent of
earners will pay roughly $20,000 a year to fund the legislation.
Meanwhile, a study by Cornell’s Richard Burkhauser suggests that it
could be worth hundreds of dollars a year to millions of Americans in
the middle and lower class.
Obama wants to pay for some of his earlier borrowing through tax
policy changes that would significantly raise taxes on the wealthy while
sparing the middle class and poor. This chart from the Tax Policy
Center shows that Obama’s wish-list would require the average member of
the 1 percent of earners to pay $104,000 more per year, while someone in
the middle class would pay virtually the same.
But Obama can only achieve so much through tax policy, and he knows
that. The most cited reason for growing inequality is that technological
advancements have created huge financial rewards for people with
advanced education, leaving people with only basic schooling at a
disadvantage. Obama has reviewed this research, including the following
slide by Harvard’s Katz, which shows that the earnings gap between
people with a college degree and high school degree has widened
Obama has tried to tackle the problem by expanding access to
education for young children and, as seen in the next chart, high school
students who need financial aid to attend college.
But he has a long way to go. The following chart, based on data from
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, shows that
the U.S. has a high Gini coefficient, a measure of high inequality, and
does relatively little to reduce it through the tax code.
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