Joshua Aizenman, Ilan Noy, 21 November 2012
Looking at recent banking crises, Gourinchas and Obstfeld (2012)
have identified domestic-credit booms and real currency appreciation as
the most significant predictors of future banking crises in both
advanced and emerging economies1.
An optimistic conjecture is that countries that previously experienced
banking crises will tend to be more cautious. Efficient and fast
adjustment of the public and the financial sectors to financial risks
may reduce the probability of future banking crises. Yet, delayed
adjustment of the public and the financial sectors – kicking the can
down the road – may imply that past crises do not affect the probability
of future crises.
Increased likelihood of banking crisis?
In Aizenman and Noy (2012), we examine the evidence and,
intriguingly, failed to find efficient learning from past banking
crises. A past occurrence of a banking crisis, on average, does not
reduce and may even increase the probability of future crises2.
We also study the determinants of banking crises depth, finding that
for middle-income countries, higher de jure capital account openness is
associated with lower likelihood of a banking crisis, lower ratio of
non-performing loans during the crisis, and higher levels of forgone
output in the crisis’ aftermath. Yet, we find no evidence that the
history of previous exposure of the banking sector to systemic crisis
episodes seem to matter.
History and banking crises
We estimate the probability of occurrence of a banking crisis using a
panel cross-country dataset for banking crises based on the newly
updated banking crises database of Laeven and Valencia (2012). We use
data for 1980-2010 for all countries for which the required data is
available3. For control variables, we rely on previous recent research4.
In addition, we add two controls. First, the history of banking crises
for each country – a binary indicator of whether a banking crisis
occurred in the previous decade – and, second, a similar measure of the
history of currency crises5.
Because the occurrence of the crisis will affect all of these
variables, they are included in the specification with a one-year lag.
Differences between high- and middle-income countries
A noteworthy observation is that once we include the data from the
most recent years, the frequency of banking crises is not any different
between high- and middle-income country samples, as shown in Figure 1.
Historically, though, the middle-income countries were more exposed to
banking crises. For the high-income sample (28 countries), the estimated
model appears to be moderately useful in predicting banking crises. We
find that a previous experience with banking crises increases the
likelihood of another one occurring. For the middle-income country
sample (74 countries), the banking history coefficient is positive and
significant (though about half the size as for the high-income sample).
In the middle-income sample, history-of-currency-crises variable also
increases the likelihood a banking crisis (half as large as the banking
crisis coefficient). We also find that higher banking liquidity
decreases the likelihood of a banking crisis, while a pre-crisis credit
expansion increases it6.
Figure 1. Descriptive statistics for panel dataset
Note: Standard deviations are in brackets, and the number of observations are in square brackets.
The current crisis
Focusing on 2008-2010, the estimated model provides strong predictive
power. The banking-history variable is positive and significant, as
with the longer time period sample, but with a larger coefficient. The
same is true for the de facto exchange rate regime index, and our
measure of credit expansion. What determines banking crisis magnitude?
We also investigate the determinants of banking crises magnitude,
relying on the newest version of the banking crisis dataset (Laeven and
Valencia 2012), where the authors also include three variables measuring
the depth of the crisis:
- The output loss, measured as deviations of GDP from a calculated trend.
- The fiscal costs, measured as a percentage of GDP.
- The peak non-performing loan (NPL) level reached, measured as % of total loans7 8.
For our control variables, we rely on Hutchison et al. (2010) and Angkinand (2009).
We find that higher GDP growth before the crisis is associated with
fewer non-performing loans. Higher capital account openness de jure is
associated with lower levels of NPLs and higher levels of economic
disruptions, as measured by forgone output. For the fiscal cost proxy of
the crisis, the only significant (and positive) coefficient is the IMF
program participation indicator. We also find no evidence that the
history of previous banking crises matters for the depth of the current
crisis being experienced.
Regulators playing catch-up
A possible explanation for our failure to detect a learning process
from past banking crises is that regulators and policymakers are
learning, but at a speed that does not catch up with the dynamic
evolution of modern banking. The regulator is frequently preparing to
prevent the last crisis, and not the future one. as the contours of
future vulnerabilities are fuzzy. In these circumstances, a possible
remedy may call for slowing down the diffusion of financial innovations,
treating them as risky until proven otherwise. This cautious attitude
may call for more stringent leverage and reserve ratios, and blocking
the introduction of financial innovations that may be ‘too clever by
half’ for users and for regulators. Too big to fail?
A more troublesome interpretation is that too much political clout
upheld by the financial system may cut the resources available to the
regulator, and their ability to impose policies that are deemed too
costly for and by the financial system. This concern arises especially
in the context of the ‘too big to fail’ doctrine, where the private
rents associated with excessive risk taking by the banking systems
require adversarial relationships between the regulators and the private
banking system. In these circumstances, policies aiming at curtailing
the political clout of big financial institutions may help. Yet these
policies may be hard to implement in countries dominated by few large
financial players with cozy associations with the political process and
with large conglomerates.
We interpret our results as consistent with a differential sectoral
adjustment to crises hypothesis. The private sector, by virtue of its
harder budget constraints, adjusts faster, whereas the government
adjusts at a slower pace following a crisis. The financial sector may
find itself in between the two. The ‘too big to fail’ doctrine
associated with large banks provides them with a softer budget
constraint, delaying the day of adjustment; for some, delaying
bankruptcy. Occasionally, the separation between banks and the public
sector is murky, further delaying necessary adjustments of the financial
Aizenman, J and I Noy (2012), “Macroeconomic Adjustment and the Crisis History in Open Economies”, NBER Working paper,18527.
Angkinand, Apanard P (2009). "Banking regulation and the output cost of banking crises", Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 19(2), 240-257.
Demirgüç-Kunt, A and E Detragiache (2005), "Cross-Country Empirical
Studies of Systemic Bank Distress: A Survey”, IMF Working Papers,
Hutchison, Michael, Ilan Noy, and Lidan Wang (2010),”Fiscal and Monetary Policies and the Cost of Sudden Stops”, Journal of International Money and Finance, 29, 973-987.
Joyce, Joseph (2011), "Financial Globalization and Banking Crises in Emerging Markets", Open Economies Review, 22(5).
Laeven, Luc A and Fabian V Valencia,(2012), “Systemic Banking Crises Database: An Update”, IMF working paper, 12(163).
Laeven, Luc and Fabian Valencia (2010), “Resolution of Banking
Crises: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly”, IMF Working Paper, 10(146),
Noy, I (2004), "Financial Liberalization, Prudential Supervision and the Onset of Banking Crises - Empirical Findings”, Emerging Markets Review, 5(3), 341-359.
Reinhart, Carmen M and Kenneth S Rogoff (2009), This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press.
Von Hagen, Jürgen & Tai-Kuang Ho (2007), "Money Market Pressure and the Determinants of Banking Crises", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 39(5), 1037-1066.
1 See also Reinhart and Rogoff (2009) and Laeven and Valencia (2010).
2 We are aware of the conventional wisdom that suggests that there
are cases of countries where it is widely believed that a deep crisis
caused changes that reduced exposure to future crises; Chile and Israel
in the 1980s or Sweden in the 1990s are all frequently mentioned. Our
empirical results imply that these cases appear to be the exception, and
not the rule.
3 The Laeven and Valencia (2012) dataset details banking crises
occurring after 1970, so we begin our sample a decade later in 1980.
4 In particular on Noy (2004), Demirgüç-Kunt and Detragiache (2005),
von Hagen and Ho (2007), Joyce (2011), and Duttagupta and Cashin (2011).
The list of independent variables we use is: per capita GDP, real GDP
growth rate, a binary variable denoting hyperinflation (annual
CPI>40), the de facto flexibility of the exchange rate regime, a
measure of bank liquidity (deposit money bank assets as % of GDP),
credit expansion (growth rate of deposit money bank assets), and the
degree of openness of the capital account (the Chinn-Ito de jure index).
Two other control variables were considered as they were included in
some of the papers cited above, but both variables are not included in
the specifications we present as they were never statistically
significant: the real interest rate (nominal interest rate minus CPI)
and the foreign exchange open position (foreign reserves/M2).
5 Since the two types of financial crises frequently occur together;
this was dubbed ‘twin’ crisis by Kaminsky and Reinhart (1999).
6 The banking asset variables have the same sign as in the high income sample.
7 The fiscal costs are the bank restructuring costs defined as gross
fiscal expenditures directed to the restructuring of the financial
sector (e.g., recapitalisation costs). The dataset includes both the
gross fiscal costs and the net costs (costs minus whatever the
government managed to ‘claw’ back in the five years following the onset
of the crisis). Since are interested in the depth of the crisis at the
time it happens, we consequently focus on the gross fiscal costs instead
of net costs. The NPL measure includes the peak measure of NPLs during
the five years since the crisis onset (in cases where less than five
years of post-onset data is available, the observed peak is recorded).
8 Surprisingly, the correlation between these measures of the
magnitude of the banking crises is low. The fiscal measure is positively
correlated with the two other measures (NPL and output loss), albeit
moderately at 0.33-0.38. The NPL measure, however, has no statistically
observable correlation with the output loss measure. It appears that all
three measures are recording a different aspect of the depth of the
crisis, and are not very closely related to each other.
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