American flags were being sewn at a roadside shop in Yangon, Myanmar, on Friday before President Obama’s arrival.
Published: November 17, 2012
WASHINGTON — On the stump this fall, President Obama boasted that he had “brought more trade cases against China”
than his predecessor had. In an ad, he asserted that his challenger
“never stood up to China.” During a debate, Mr. Obama said he expanded
trade with other Asian nations “so that China starts feeling more
pressure” to play by the rules.
The contest with Mitt Romney is over, but the contest with China is only gathering steam. After
a political campaign spent talking about how tough he was with Beijing,
the newly re-elected president departed for Asia on Saturday for his
first postelection overseas trip, a whirlwind swing through China’s
backyard that is fraught with geopolitical implications.
Mr. Obama will make a historic visit to Myanmar
to mark the emergence of the long-isolated country and encourage its
migration from China’s orbit toward a more democratic future with the
West. He will also stop in Thailand, America’s longtime ally in the region as well as a friend of China’s. And he will fly to Cambodia
for a summit meeting of a Southeast Asian organization as the United
States tries to increase its influence in that part of the region.
With the election over, the White House has softened its language, and
presents the trip not as an explicit attempt to contain China but as the
next stage of its so-called pivot to Asia, reorienting American foreign
policy after a decade of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan toward the
economic and political future of the Pacific. On the cusp of a second
term, Mr. Obama sees such a shift as a mission for the next four years
and a possible legacy.
“The president’s trip marks the beginning of the next phase of our
rebalancing effort,” Thomas E. Donilon, the president’s national
security adviser, said in a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies
in Washington. “When the president says the United States will play a
larger and long-term role in the region, we intend to execute on that
But when the Obama team talks about “rebalancing,” Mr. Donilon said it
meant “both toward the Asia-Pacific and within the Asia-Pacific,”
meaning more engagement with nations like Myanmar, Thailand and
Cambodia. As for China, he said, the relationship “has elements of both
cooperation and competition.”
The political centerpiece of the trip is the scheduled six-hour visit to
Myanmar, which is considered strategic in the reorientation to Asia not
only because of its location bordering China, but because its leaders
have signaled their pique with China’s relentless search for natural
resources and their willingness to tilt toward the West as a way of
counterbalancing their imposing neighbor.
Although the trip to Yangon was scheduled to coincide with the Asian
summit meeting, the symbolism of Mr. Obama’s visit — the first by a
sitting United States president — has not been lost on China, a longtime
In Beijing, where Xi Jinping has just been installed as the new leader
in a once-in-a-decade transition, the trip is seen as part of a
continuing challenge to China’s rise. The government interprets
America’s attention on the region, including the deployment of more
troops and battleships, as an effort to encircle China.
“The pivot is a very stupid choice,” said Jin Canrong, a professor at the School of International Studies at Renmin University in Beijing. “The United States has achieved nothing and only annoyed China. China can’t be contained.”
On China’s periphery, where its rapid military modernization and
territorial claims in resource-rich seas are viewed with nervousness,
Mr. Obama’s pivot is mostly welcomed. Many in the region, however, worry
about whether the United States has the money and will to follow
through. There is also a question over how much impact the United States
can have, no matter its commitment. China has the edge in trade; every
country in the region except the Philippines does more business with
China than with the United States.
“That’s happened over the last five years, faster than expected,” said Peter Drysdale, head of the East Asian Bureau of Economic Research at the Australian National University. “The disparity of the scale of what’s going on with China and the region compared to the United States will grow.”
Mr. Obama’s trip follows visits to the region in recent days by
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon E.
Panetta. The president stops in Bangkok on Sunday before heading to
In Yangon, Mr. Obama will meet with President Thein Sein, a former
general who has led Myanmar’s opening, releasing many political
prisoners and freeing the long-persecuted opposition to run for seats in
Parliament. The president will also meet with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel laureate who emerged from years of house arrest to win one of those seats.
But while Mr. Obama wraps himself in the evolving success story — the United States bet that it was worth easing sanctions early on as an encouragement to reformers
— some human rights activists deemed the visit a premature vanity
exercise. They pointed to the continued detention of some political
prisoners, a recent sectarian conflict they believe the government has done too little to stop and the Myanmar military’s war with ethnic rebels.
Among those who initially urged against the trip, activists in the United States said, was Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi.
“It rewards Burma for things they’ve already been rewarded for, and it
wastes enormous political capital which could have been saved up and
used to reward future events,” said John Sifton, Asia advocacy director
for Human Rights Watch,
who added that Mr. Obama should now leverage the trip by insisting on
tangible action like the release of remaining political prisoners.
Mr. Donilon said the trip would help “lock in this path forward” but
acknowledged risks. “We’re not naïve about this,” he said. “We
absolutely are aware of the dangers of backsliding. And if that takes
place, we’ll respond accordingly. But this really is a moment that we
didn’t want to miss.”
In Myanmar, the visit is seen as a validation of the move from military
rule. “Obama’s visit is the first after he was re-elected,” said Htay
Oo, vice chairman of the governing Union Solidarity and Development
Party. “It means he takes our country seriously.” But he stressed that
change was coming from within, not from the United States.
The visit represents a shock to China, which considers Myanmar
strategically important because of its access to the Indian Ocean,
making it a shortcut for oil deliveries from the Middle East. But
privately, some Chinese analysts said China overplayed its hand in
tapping Myanmar’s natural resources, citing as an example a backlash
against a $3.6 billion hydroelectric dam at Myitsone — a project that was suspended last year amid outrage that 90 percent of its electricity was destined for China, not power-poor Myanmar.
“People make a link in their minds between Chinese investment and
previous military rule,” said Yan Myo Thein, a former student activist
who writes on politics in Myanmar’s media.
For Mr. Obama, the test in the next few days will be to persuade China’s
Asian neighbors that the United States is their partner and, despite
doubts, staying in the region for the long haul.
“Despite the current U.S. administration’s bold rhetoric, America will
in all probability look increasingly inward, as it has historically been
prone to do after major wars,” Bilahari Kausikan, the permanent
secretary at Singapore’s Foreign Ministry, told a conference in San
Francisco last month. “A period of introspection to lick the political
and economic wounds is likely.”
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